If you decide to email us , this is the only personal information we will have.
If you use our email form to send the message of Salvation, the email address(s) you use are not stored nor tracked by Familyfellowship.com. After all, that is your private information and will remain just that.
We do count visitors to our site. This is done by IP address, not names , meaning not by personal info.
Familyfellowship.com is committed to securing your private information to the fullest extent possible.
We do not share, rent or sell any information.
All personal information is just that, and is kept confidential
We do use your email address in providing your Familyfellowship.com related correspondence from us, that being specifically , answering your communication emails you send to us.
We do use analytics by google and other such providers such as Pay Pal for donations. Videos by others, we post, have their own tracking data that has nothing to do with Familyfellowship.com
Your privacy is just that – Yours and we will do all we can to protect it.
The entire staff of Familyfellowship.com