Life without Integrity - is a life of uncertainty

Statement of Faith


  • is founded upon, and committed to, by Faith, that Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, was born in the flesh and walked upon earth as Man.
  • Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son and through Him all things were made.
  • Christ died upon the cross freely for the payment of all sins — past, present and future. Risen from the dead — by the Father — that all whom believe in their hearts HE is the Risen Son of God are saved. ( Romans 10:9-13 ) For He is the Life & the Way — by no other name on earth can one be saved. By his blood we are cleansed and sanctified- The gift of salvation is freely offered- It is by God’s works not our own – less any Man should boast.
  • We can now say “ABBA” Father. As we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior
  • We believe in the Holy Trinity The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

Just remember , go out side if needed and look up , we are on a planet within a vast universe circling around the sun ( one of trillions ) at an exact axes angel degree that provides our atmosphere. Is it that tough to know God is Real ?  Let me say it this way, if you believe there is no God , then how did all the universe come to be? The Big Bang .. OK how did that happen / how did it start ( if it indeed truly took place )  The Universe had a beginning a start and …. you need to Choose.  As the true “test” will be when you die. You will know for certain. If you rejected God here on earth, a planet with abundant life as no other planet and when you die what do you expect to take place?  Its simply over done no more or God is God whom HE says HE is I Am…  Click here Matthew 7:22 to read what HE will say to you.